Begin with the end in mind
- Based on Stephen Covey’s 2nd Habit of Highly effective People; visualise with your team what you want to happen at the end.
- Define the action steps that need to be taken to achieve the end visualised.
- Agree time lines to the actions that have been defined.
Produce SMART outcomes
- Develop SMART outcomes – Ensure that they are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound. An example: to increase profits (specific) by 20% (measurable & achievable) for our department/company (relevant) by 31 December 2014 (time bound).
Develop an outcome schedule
- Map out by month the outcomes that need to be achieved to deliver the desired end.
- Agree who is accountable for ensuring the outcomes are delivered as per the schedule.
- Create a tracking and reporting process to monitor the progress being made.
This business tip is sponsored by BPD Associates Limited, a JobsTT partner. If you want support in developing yourself and/or your team on this topic, please visit