Save this search. Save time.
Find yourself doing the same searches each time you visit the website? Save time by saving those searches into your account. Simply click the ‘save this search’ button at the bottom of the job search results page and you’re done!
Save this job.
You’ve probably noticed a ‘Save this job’ button on each job summary. We know how life goes, and just because you’re browsing the site now doesn’t mean you’re ready to apply just yet. Think of ‘Save this job’ as your job shopping cart. Save the job for quick access later, add notes, and compare all of your saved jobs by simply logging into your account.
Search by location or search by region.
We’ve given you the option to search by specific location eg: Chaguanas or by Region eg: Central. Chances are that you’re probably fine with working in not just a specific location but also it’s environs. Feel free to search by area and save yourself some stress by viewing all jobs within that general geographical area.
Kill the clutter.
We’ve provided two great options to hide the search results you don’t want to see. Use the ‘Refine this search’ column on the left to narrow down your selection and use the ‘Hide this job’ button on the job summaries to collapse jobs you are not interested in. Don’t waste time looking at jobs you’ve already ruled out!
Visit our Career Section
We are constantly adding new content to our Career Section on all things related to recruitment in T&T. Find out who’s hiring, who’s firing, and how to get ahead in your career.