You’ve probably read countless articles on what you should be doing for job interviews, but have you been reading on what you shouldn’t be doing?
Mind your social media presence
This one starts before you even get to the interview. It’s now standard practice that employers use social media as an initial screening tool for candidates. Always keep this is mind. It is in your best interest to be mindful of what you post on social media and if you’re in doubt then just make sure that your social media privacy is set to the absolute highest.
Criticizing a Previous Employer
Be as diplomatic as possible when speaking about your current/oldemployer and/or reasons you’re looking to leave. It reflects poorly on you as a candidate if you make negative statements about your boss whether they are true or not.
Not proving yourself
Almost every interview is structured in a way to encourage the candidate to give details on how they were successful in the past and of any outstanding professional achievements. Don’t miss your opportunity to give examples of relevant situations where you excelled at certain tasks.
Mind your references
Are you certain your references will give you a good recommendation? You’ll be surprised at how many references actually don’t. This can make or break your opportunity to score a job. Make sure your listed references are solid and have your best interests at heart.