Be intentional
- Clarify the expectations. Ask clarifying questions to the person requesting the presentation. E.g.”What is the reason for the presentation?” ” What information does the audience need? What do you want the audience to do differently after the presentation?”, “How much time, do I have to deliver the presentation?”
- From the information received confirm the key messages to ensure yo have fully understood the person’s expectations.
- Create the presentation around the key messages and ensure that the intention of the presentation is stated in the beginning, in the middle and again at the end. This helps to cement the message.
Practice your speech
- Practice your presentation to ensure you are comfortable with the flow and also that you can deliver in the allotted time
- Add in stories, or further elaborate a point, as it is sometimes easier for people to remember ideas that are presented as stories
- Remember to not only focus on the words, but also use difference tones to emphasis points and use movement to keep people engaged ( 34% tone, 56% movement)
Develop your communication
- It is important to vary your communication channels when presenting. The theory is that 55% of communication is body language, 38% is the tone of voice, and 7% is the actual words spoken.
- Make eye contact with members of your audience, to keep them engaged.
- Remember to enjoy the experience and be confident that you ‘know your stuff’ and that you have the right messages for your audience
This business tip is sponsored by BPD Associates Limited, a JobsTT partner. If you want support in developing yourself and/or your team on this topic, please visit