How to Manage Personal Financial Risks

Life is full of risks and we all adopt active or passive approaches to manage the risks that we face, even if we may not realize it. In this article, we will examine the types of risks we face and the different methods we can use to manage them. We are restricting the types of risks to personal financial risks i.e. we are not addressing business or commercial risks.

Buy versus Rent a Home

Deciding whether to buy or rent a home is a big decision, and we’re sure you’ve heard that renting is throwing money away, or some variation of this statement (e.g. when you rent you are only paying the landlord’s mortgage). In this three-article series we’ll examine various aspects of buying versus renting. You’ll discover the “right’ answer would vary by personal preference and a mix of financial and emotional arguments. Firstly, let’s explore some of the general points you’ll likely consider.

Resume Tips

This Personal Finance tip is sponsored by CariDollarsAndSense, a JobsTT partner.

We continually emphasize that an important aspect of managing your personal finances is improving your ability to earn income. While reducing your expenses would provide an immediate increase to your savings, there comes a point when further expense reductions could be difficult; instead  you need a higher level of income. Increasing income, however, takes time and investment, so managing your career upwards is a critical aspect of developing strong finances.

How to Coach for Better Performance

Build clear goals and expectations

  • Support your team member in setting SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely) goals.
  • Your team member must be involved in the process so that they take ownership. The goal should be negotiated, not dictated.
  • Ensure there is collaboration between you and your team members, should the goals or   expectations change.

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How to Build and Sustain Trust

Be honest and transparent

  • Share accurate and timely information even if it highlights your mistakes (it’s ok, you’re only human).
  • Tell the truth with tact by providing constructive feedback and leaving the recipient empowered to act.
  • Always communicate the contribution others have made so as to not take credit for other people’s work

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