How to Ace That Next Presentation

Be intentional

  • Clarify the expectations. Ask clarifying questions to the person requesting the presentation. E.g.”What is the reason for the presentation?” ” What information does the audience need? What do you want the audience to do differently after the presentation?”, “How much time, do I have to deliver the presentation?”
  • From the information received confirm the key messages to ensure yo have fully understood the person’s expectations.
  • Create the presentation around the key messages and ensure that the intention of the presentation is stated in the beginning, in the middle and again at the end. This helps to cement the message.

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5 Tips to help you stay calm during an interview

Chances are that you feel very nervous before a job interview because there’s a lot at stake. Landing a new job can definitely change your standard of living and overall well being. It might enable you to more comfortably pay your bills while saving towards a better future, however on the flip side you know that not landing the new job will leave you in a worse financial position. This puts you in an ‘all or nothing’ situation and the pressure begins to build. Continue reading

How to write the perfect cover letter

Ok. Maybe the title of this article is a bit misleading as there’s no such thing as a perfect cover letter. The trick to writing a ‘perfect’ cover letter is understanding that the cover letter differs based on the employer and job you’re applying for. There are however some guidelines to help you write the best one you possibly can.

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