Tag Archives: digital

5 Websites to help Market Yourself

City-ScapeOne of the hardest things about job searching is marketing yourself to prospective employers and network connections. Yes, you have your detailed resume but how do you sell what you do in five minutes or less? Here are some websites to aid in your marketing scheme.


Not many people know this, but Google actually can help you build a resume. Once you have a Gmail account, Google can pull your information to easier build your CV. Follow this link https://resumebuilder.withgoogle.com/ to try it out.

But if you want to start from scratch, head over to Kickresume to find unique templates!


Thinking about getting business cards? Moo.com is devoted to helping you choose and print your perfect card. They’re loads of templates to choose from at a decent price. Let your business card express your personality in print!


Jimpix helps you navigate the world of usernames. In this digital age, your username becomes your identity on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. What’s cool about Jimpix.com is that the site has an option to generate a username with a word a selected word. So you can type in your name or nickname, and it gives you many options. Remember to pick a username that will good on your business card!


These social media platforms put you closer to your professional crush more than you think! Build you own profile by following or connecting with Influencers in your field. These can range from top CEOs to General Managers. Study their profiles and comment on their blog posts or status updates. BE friendly NOT creepy in your approach to inadvertently learn from them.


Why not own a website? Having an online resume is becoming more popular. Upload your resume, pictures and showcase your passion in your personal digital space. Think of it as a hub that just in one click a prospective employer/client can get a sense of who you are. Wix.com provides templates for online CVs that you can view and build for free!




Brand Yourself Using Social Media

In the digital age, a person’s character and skills are quickly judged by their online presence before a real meeting. Turns out, about 92% of companies use social media for hiring – excluding LinkedIn. Your social media persona can help get the job (i.e. show creativity) or it can hamper your chances (i.e. show incompetence).

Here’s some Dos and Don’ts on how to use Social Media to your advantage!


  • Do choose a profile picture that is not scandalous and/or offensive.
  • Do create a user name that is close to your real name. Corrects spelling helps!
  • Don’t post everything you may find funny and/or go on a rant.
  • Don’t use offensive, racial and/or obscene language in most of your posts.


  • Do choose an appropriate profile picture with a clear view of your face.
  • Do make sure you spell check your profile.
  • Don’t lie on your profile.

Personal Blog/ Instagram/ Youtube/ Tumblr/Pinterest

  • Do show your creativity, worth ethic and interests!
  • Don’t leave your profile “public” if what you post may discredit you.

Remember, every comment you make can trace back to your profile, so make sure your digital presence can impress and captivate the employer. Let them start chasing you for once!

Check out JobsTT on LinkedIn here!