11 Interview Tips that you should know…

Think you’re prepared for your interview?

Check out the list below to make sure that you’re ready for your big day.

  • Dress appropriately for your interview but also remember dress comfortably. You can’t project confidence if you aren’t comfortable in what you’re wearing.
  • Do research on the company you have an interview with. At the very least you should know their products and services as well as how long they have been operating.
  • An interview should not be viewed as an interrogation but a conversation. Ask questions much in the same way you are being asked eg: ‘What happened to the person who held this position before?’ Or ‘What is the career progression path for someone taking this job within the company?’
  • Actions speak louder than words so mind your body language. Walk tall, sit straight, don’t fidget, smile often, shake hands firmly, and most importantly, don’t forget your manners!
  • Be punctual. Don’t be too early or too late. Both of these options show a lack of concern for the employer’s time. If there is an emergency and you are running late then you should call the employer immediately to inform them. At the very least, you should leave an urgent message with the receptionist if you can’t reach the employer.
  • Stay calm. Remember that the interviewer is human too, just like you. They are just as hopeful that you are the right fit for the job as you are.
  • Maintain eye contact and pay attention to your interviewer. Having difficulty maintaining eye contact portrays poor confidence and even gives the impression of lying.
  • Skip having coffee just before the interview. Not only will it make it more difficult to relax in the interview, it can also be a potential spill on your clothing. Better safe than sorry.
  • Silence your phone and keep it in your bag or pocket. A Vibrating phone on a table or desk is just as disruptive as a ringing one.
  • Do not bad-mouth your ex employer. Be diplomatic in your assessment of why you left/are leaving your job. You don’t know if your current employer has a good relationship with your prospective employer.
  • Do you know anyone working at the company you are going to interview at? Be sure to contact them and ask them as many questions as you can. This can be a great way to learn about the company in ways that other candidates may not have access to.